
General notes

Index of surnames

General plan of sections

Section A

Section plan

List of graves

Grave notes


Section B

Section plan

List of graves

Grave notes


Section C

Section plan

List of graves

Grave notes


Section D

Section plan

List of graves

Grave notes


Section E

Section plan

List of graves

Grave notes


Section F

Section plan

List of graves

Grave notes


Section G

Section plan

List of graves

Grave notes


Section H

Section plan

List of graves

Grave notes



Sections plan

List of kerbs

Kerb notes



Sections plan

List of miscellany

Miscellany notes



Some notes on the inscriptions

Inscriptions of note

Notes on graves in Section C,
Holy Trinity churchyard

Date of photograph Section Photo number Grave number Notes
C C 1 Missing
2009 C C 2 A C 2 A Position at variance with map - on wall where Grave 1 is indicated
2009 C C 2 B A C 2 B Not positively identified - from position on map only, and it seems an unlikely match
2009 C C 2 B B C 2 B
2009 C C 3 C 3
2009 C C 4 C 4
2009 C C 5 C 5
2009 C C 6 C 6
2009 C C 7 C 7
2012 C C 8 C 8
2009 C C 9 C 9 Not positively identified - from position on map only - inscription does not tally with original survey
C C 9 A Names listed in survey for grave C 9 linked to C 8 family, so stone may have been removed from this area
2009 C C 10 C 10
2009 C C 11 C 11
2010 C C A Wall monument not included on original plan - see addition to plan
2012 C C B Broken gravestones -
see position on plan
2012 C C C Broken gravestones -
see position on plan
2012 C C D Broken gravestones -
see position on plan
2012 C C E Unidentified stone -
see position on plan
2009 C C F Unidentified gravestone -
see position on plan
2012 C C G General view of Section C